All 22 partners of the project consortium met at Aalto University to start the bIoTope project with a first official face-to-face meeting. A large part of the meeting was dedicated to present background, roles and contributions of each partner within the project since the consortium consists of very different stakeholders coming from science, industry and administration. Project coordinator Aalto University emphasized the overall goal and vision of the project. One major goal is to show how to overcome the “vertical silos” that shape today’s IoT and are one of the most critical obstacles. A dozen of smart city pilots that will be set up during the project shall exemplify how cross-domain, cross-platform and cross-organizational services can be realized for an IoT environment.
To start the project work all partners discussed the next steps necessary to work on the first deliverables. In the next months the project partners will do a requirement analysis and create a detailed description for the use cases planned in the domains Smart Mobility, Smart Home and Smart Metering.

All information about bIoTope are available here.