On January, 17th bIoTope partners involved in the Smart Mobility use case got together for an intensive three-days workshop at Aalto University. The Smart Mobility use case realizes route optimization scenarios for connected electric cars. For these scenarios, multiple datasets with information about parking facilities and charging stations originating from hetergenous sources are mapped, aligned and enriched using MobiVoc as a common vocabulary. The data is then published via an O-MI node where consumers of the IoT environment such as connected electric cars can use the integrated and enriched dataset for optimized route planning operations.
The integration meeting in Helsinki was necessary to achieve an initial breakthrough with all stakeholders involved in the scenario workflow and to identify the gaps that have to be bridged for a successful implementation. As a result of the workshop, we are going to refine the vocabulary and publish a new MobiVoc release 1.1.0 in the coming weeks.